
3 drivers that lead to bad systems architecture and how to avoid them

bad systems architecture

Aston Motsau
23 November 2022

Systems architecture is used to define the structure of a software system. Good systems architecture is nearly invisible, but bad systems architecture can cause some serious issues.

Bad systems architecture is unplanned systems architecture that happens when IT governance is forced to adopt systems that do not go through proper IT procurement, IT capability due diligence, and other relevant governance processes. Bad systems architecture causes apps to become hard to maintain and scale. Time and money are lost due to poor integrations and limitations on the app.

That’s why it’s important to know what causes bad systems architecture, and how to avoid it.

Drivers of bad system architecture and how to avoid them:

1. Ease of procuring SaaS systems is fuelling duplicate IT business services

Often business comes across SaaS solutions that they feel are beneficial to the business but dread the IT processes. Your IT governance needs to be ahead of business in understanding needs. Most enterprise architecture (EA) governance teams are seen as hurdles to business agility. However, to counter this view, the EA teams need to bridge the gap between business and IT through quick decision-making, and a clear roadmap communication.    

Some of the ways to achieve this include:

  • Creating architecture decision templates for common scenarios
  • Keep the business aligned through consistent updates on the project portfolio and IT roadmap.
bad systems architecture

2. Isolated citizen developer IT systems leading to shadow IT and security gaps

Citizen developers can drive innovation and digital transformation acceleration and IT departments need to use this to their advantage. But how do we do this without losing control of quality, security, and IT service management?

One approach to avoid this is to lead the change. Businesses need to be informed of such technologies and IT should not hide or close these options. Develop friendly frameworks that help you monitor and manage what gets built on these low-code platforms.

3. Slow delivery of IT projects leading to frustrated stakeholders

IT departments are facing increasing pressure from businesses to deliver projects faster with fewer defects. On the other side, IT is also facing a skills shortage to build tailored systems for businesses.

A solution to this problem is defining and adopting a low-code strategy to accelerate IT projects. We’ve recently partnered with Outsystems, a low-code app development platform, which gives us the ability to deliver projects faster and address the tech skills shortage.

Systems Architecture at Integrove

Whatever IT challenges your business may face, Integrove is here for you. Through our Technology Consulting, Enterprise Application Development, Project Delivery, UI/UX and Data Analytics talent at Integrove we work alongside you to accelerate digital and modernisation goals while avoiding bad systems architecture.  

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