Welcome to the Declarative AI Chatbot Help Guide. This document provides essential information on how to interact with the chatbot, including how to get started, available commands, and troubleshooting tips.
1. Getting Started
To begin using the chatbot, simply type your query in the chat window. The chatbot is designed to assist you with common questions concerning gifts and conflicts of interest, provide helpful information, and guide you through various tasks.
2. Available Commands
The chatbot supports the following commands to make your interaction easier:
- **Help guide** – Opens the link to this document.
- **Start Over** – Resets the conversation.
- **Contact Support** – Provides contact information for human support.
- **Exit** or **Goodbye** – Cancels the current task or request and exits the chatbot.
3. Chatbot Responses
The chatbot retrieves information such as your name etc. from your Office 365 account. The Chatbot is configured to handle questions specific to gifts and conflicts, it will try to answer your questions by searching for the answer in the knowledge base or help you declare a gif or conflict of interest. If you ask the chatbot a question that is not related to gifts and conflicts or if it does not understand the intent it will suggest some questions to help you
4. Troubleshooting
If you’re experiencing issues with the chatbot, here are some tips to help resolve them:
- **Unresponsive Chatbot** – Try typing “Start Over” to reset the conversation. If the chatbot is still unresponsive, please contact support.
- **Incorrect Responses** – If the chatbot isn’t providing the correct answers, try rephrasing your question. Ensure you’re using clear and concise language.
- **Technical Issues** – For technical difficulties, contact your system administrator or technical support team for assistance.
5. Contacting Support
If you need further assistance, you can contact our support team via email at